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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-37076

Remove redundant text in subscribe


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • FHIRCast (FHIR)
    • 2.0.0
    • Infrastructure & Messaging
    • Subscribing and unsubscribing [deprecated]
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      We have split off unsubscribe into a separate section. The text mentioned in this ticket is still present and not longer adequate.

      We will change the following text from section 2.4.1:

      > hub.events Conditional string A comma-separated list of event types for which the Subscriber wants to subscribe. SHALL be included for subscribe requests, SHALL NOT be present for unsubscribe requests. Partial unsubscribe requests are not supported and SHALL result in a full unsubscribe.


      > hub.events Required A comma-separated list of event types for which the Subscriber wants to subscribe.

      we will also change the text
      > Hubs SHALL allow subscribers to re-request subscriptions that are already activated. Each subsequent and verified request to a Hub to subscribe or unsubscribe SHALL override the previous subscription state for a specific (hub.topic, hub.callback) combination or (hub.topic, hub.channel.endpoint url) combination. For example, a Subscriber MAY modify its subscription by sending a subscription request (hub.mode=subscribe) with a different hub.events value with the same topic and callback/endpoint url, in which case the Hub SHALL replace the subscription’s previous hub.events with the newly provided list of events.


      > Hubs SHALL allow subscribers to re-request subscriptions that are already activated. Each subsequent and verified request to a Hub to subscribe or unsubscribe SHALL override the previous subscription state for a specific (hub.topic, hub.channel.endpoint url) combination. For example, a Subscriber MAY modify its subscription by sending a subscription request (hub.mode=subscribe) with a different hub.events value with the same topic and endpoint url, in which case the Hub SHALL replace the subscription’s previous hub.events with the newly provided list of events.

      as webhooks are no longer supported

      We have split off unsubscribe into a separate section. The text mentioned in this ticket is still present and not longer adequate. We will change the following text from section 2.4.1: > hub.events Conditional string A comma-separated list of event types for which the Subscriber wants to subscribe. SHALL be included for subscribe requests, SHALL NOT be present for unsubscribe requests. Partial unsubscribe requests are not supported and SHALL result in a full unsubscribe. to > hub.events Required A comma-separated list of event types for which the Subscriber wants to subscribe. we will also change the text > Hubs SHALL allow subscribers to re-request subscriptions that are already activated. Each subsequent and verified request to a Hub to subscribe or unsubscribe SHALL override the previous subscription state for a specific (hub.topic, hub.callback) combination or (hub.topic, hub.channel.endpoint url) combination. For example, a Subscriber MAY modify its subscription by sending a subscription request (hub.mode=subscribe) with a different hub.events value with the same topic and callback/endpoint url, in which case the Hub SHALL replace the subscription’s previous hub.events with the newly provided list of events. to > Hubs SHALL allow subscribers to re-request subscriptions that are already activated. Each subsequent and verified request to a Hub to subscribe or unsubscribe SHALL override the previous subscription state for a specific (hub.topic, hub.channel.endpoint url) combination. For example, a Subscriber MAY modify its subscription by sending a subscription request (hub.mode=subscribe) with a different hub.events value with the same topic and endpoint url, in which case the Hub SHALL replace the subscription’s previous hub.events with the newly provided list of events. as webhooks are no longer supported
    • Bas Van den Heuval / Eric Martin: 5-0-0
    • Enhancement
    • Non-compatible

      Required for subscribe requests, SHALL NOT be present for unsubscribe requests. Comma-separated list of event types from the Event Catalog for which the Subscriber wants to subscribe. Partial unsubscribe requests are not supported and SHALL result in a full unsubscribe.

      Contains redundant text. Suggest to replace with:

      Required for subscribe requests, SHALL NOT be present for unsubscribe requests. Comma-separated list of event types from the Event Catalog for which the Subscriber wants to subscribe.

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            bvdh Bas van den Heuvel
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