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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-36853

Various Points Seem to be on the same line when describing that implementers should support JWS JSON Serialization, meaning is unclear


    • Icon: Technical Correction Technical Correction
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci CDex (FHIR)
    • 1.1.0-ballot [deprecated]
    • Patient Care
    • Signatures
    • Digital Signature Rules For CDEX FHIR Bundles
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      This is a formatting error the output should be a list as commetner stated"


      SHOULD support JWS JSON Serialization format to represent multiple signatures with all parameter values identical except "x5c"

      • The signer may have more than one certificate (for example, the signer participates in more than one trust community.

      SHALL use X.509 certificates to verify the identity of the entity signing the Bundle

      • The KeyUsage should include ‘DigitalSignature’
      • The Issuer should be a trusted CA for the Consumer
      • The Subject (or Subject Alternative Name (SAN)) should match the data Source
      • The Validity Dates should be appropriate/long enough as determined by the business partners.


      This is a formatting error the output should be a list as commetner stated"   SHOULD  support  JWS JSON Serialization  format to represent multiple signatures with all parameter values identical except  "x5c" The signer may have more than one certificate (for example, the signer participates in more than one trust community. SHALL use X.509 certificates to verify the identity of the entity signing the Bundle The KeyUsage should include ‘DigitalSignature’ The Issuer should be a trusted CA for the Consumer The Subject (or Subject Alternative Name (SAN)) should match the data Source The Validity Dates should be appropriate/long enough as determined by the business partners.  
    • Correction

      The specification of how implementers should support JWS JSON Serialization seems to have had some other statements appended to it ... SHALL use X.509 certificates seems to be part of the Should support statement, but it seems like you want this to be a separate line.

      This is unclear and should be clarified.

      Also, it looks like there are several numbered entries all mashed into the same sentence.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            zsilber Zack Silber (Inactive)
            Michael Donnelly
            2 Start watching this issue
