

    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • US Da Vinci CRD (FHIR)
    • 1.1.0-ballot [deprecated]
    • Financial Mgmt
    • STU
    • Use Cases and Overview
    • 2.3 Optional
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      In the section on CRD configuration, indicate that payers must indicate the specific scopes they need access to in order to provide the decision support their service offers.  Such scopes SHALL be constrained to only what is needed to provide decision support across the scope of hooks, orders, etc. the service might receive.  The EHR SHOULD limit the service to only the scopes required.  Will also provide a link to the portion of the CDS Hooks specification that talks about managing scopes and access.

      We will indicate that tokens SHOULD have a maximum expiration time of no longer than 30 seconds (which is more than enough for even 'parallel' decision support with something like Order Select where a user is continuing to work while the decision support call is processing.)

      In the section on CRD configuration, indicate that payers must indicate the specific scopes they need access to in order to provide the decision support their service offers.  Such scopes SHALL be constrained to only what is needed to provide decision support across the scope of hooks, orders, etc. the service might receive.  The EHR SHOULD limit the service to only the scopes required.  Will also provide a link to the portion of the CDS Hooks specification that talks about managing scopes and access. We will indicate that tokens SHOULD have a maximum expiration time of no longer than 30 seconds (which is more than enough for even 'parallel' decision support with something like Order Select where a user is continuing to work while the decision support call is processing.)
    • Bob Dieterle / Chris Cioffi : 12-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive


      We do not want to grant unfettered access to patient information. Need to make sure the token access is limited to the scope of the additional information and expires once the task is complete. There is guidance in CDS specification to the effect that an access token should be revoked when the task is complete and the timeframe should be short lived, suggest linking to that provision and reinforcing the expiration piece to ensure patient privacy and safety.




            Unassigned Unassigned
            celine_lefebvre Celine Lefebvre
            Celine Lefebvre
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