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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-36482

Patient must always be in context



    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci DTR (FHIR)
    • 1.0.0 [deprecated]
    • Clinical Decision Support
    • Persisting Application State [deprecated]
    • Hide


      “When launched in standalone mode, the app should provide the user the option to select which payer and patient they would like to search for open sessions against.” 


      Change to:  

      “When launched in standalone mode, the app should include the `launch/patient` scope to indicate that the EHR needs to provide patient context. The app can use the returned patient to search for relevant unfinished sessions.” 

      Current: “When launched in standalone mode, the app should provide the user the option to select which payer and patient they would like to search for open sessions against.”    Change to:    “When launched in standalone mode, the app should include the `launch/patient` scope to indicate that the EHR needs to provide patient context. The app can use the returned patient to search for relevant unfinished sessions.”   
    • Bob Dieterle / Jeff Brown : 12-0-2
    • Correction
    • Compatible, substantive


      "Since a patient won't be in context, the app will need to provide a selection of patients that the user can choose from"

      DTR launch requires that a patient be in context.  A user should not be able to do a stand-alone launch of DTR unless they're in the context of a patient within the EHR.  This is important from a security perspective as a user should only be able to use DTR for patients they can see in the EHR, and the patient context is essential in order to be able to query information for use in the EHR.




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            lloyd Lloyd McKenzie
            4 Start watching this issue

