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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-36470

Fix guidance on saving state



    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci DTR (FHIR)
    • 1.0.0 [deprecated]
    • Clinical Decision Support
    • Persisting Application State [deprecated]
    • Hide

      "The DTR process should anticipate that users may not always be able to complete a full interaction between launching from a CDS Hooks Card to providing a response back to the payer."

      "The DTR process should not assume that users will be able to fully complete their questionnaire response and save it in a single session".

      Change: "The DTR process should anticipate that users may not always be able to complete a full interaction between launching from a CDS Hooks Card to providing a response back to the payer." To: "The DTR process should not assume that users will be able to fully complete their questionnaire response and save it in a single session".
    • Bob Dieterle / Jeff Brown : 12-0-2
    • Correction
    • Non-substantive


      "The DTR process should anticipate that users may not always be able to complete a full interaction between launching from a CDS Hooks Card to providing a response back to the payer."

      First, we shouldn't be talking about CDS Hooks here.  Relaunching has nothing to do with whether the session was spawned by CDS Hooks or not.  Second, there is no "response back to the payer" in DTR.  If the payer sees anything at all, it'll be through PAS or X12.

      Reword to "The DTR process should not assume that users will be able to fully complete their questionnaire response and save it in a single session".




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            lloyd Lloyd McKenzie
            4 Start watching this issue

