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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-36465

DTR is repeating guidance better covered in SDC



    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium


      SDC (and the base Questionnaire spec) set the rules for things like items being in the same order and hierarchical nesting, linkIds matching, dealing with groups vs. questions vs. display items, handling repeating questions and groups, etc.  We shouldn't be repeating any of that guidance in DTR.  Instead, point to the specification (or portions there-of) where it's already well-defined.  As it is, we're doing things like talking about enableWhen, but not talking about enableWhenExpression (which is mustSupport).  We say that DTR doesn't set expectations around whether questions are displayed one at a time or all at once - but we have mustSupport on the 'entryMode' extension, which does exactly that.

      My recommendation is to replace this whole page with the following:

      "DTR leverages a subset of extensions and capabilities defined by the SDC implementation guide to support control over rendering, flow logic, and population and calculation of answers.  The [DTR SDC Questionnaire profile] and [DTR Adaptive Questionnaire profile] identify the set of core elements and extensions that must be supported by 'full' EHRs and DTR solutions in terms of rendering and processing Questionnaires and their associated responses - and the elements that payers can count on being supported in the Questionnaires they expose.

      Two different profiles are used to support two different approaches to managing questionnaire logic and two different levels of engagement between the form filling interface and the payer.

      With the [DTR SDC Questionnaire], all logic around what questions should be displayed, what answers are available, etc. is embedded in the Questionnaire (or in libraries linked to from the Questionnaire).  The only interaction with the payer is to retrieve the Questionnaire appropriate for a particular order or set of orders for a given set of patient coverage.  The only possible result from the DTR process is a completed QuestionnaireResponse.

      With the [DTR Adaptive Questionnaire], the logic around what questions should be displayed and what answers are available is managed within software maintained by the payer.  The only CQL needed in the Questionnaire is that needed to support populating question answers.  The form filling process interacts with the payer continuously during the process of filling out the QuestionnaireResponse.  This interactivity means that it is possible for a payer to provide an unsolicited prior authorization along with the QuestionnaireResponse.

      Implementers should review the [advanced rendering], [advanced behavior], [population] and [adaptive forms] portions of the SDC implementation guide, focusing on the elements and extensions included in the DTR profiles.  Implementers should also be familiar with the documentation about the [Questionnaire] and [QuestionnaireResponse] resources from the core FHIR specification.  Conformance with DTR requires conformance with the relevant portions of the SDC implementation guide"




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            lloyd Lloyd McKenzie
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