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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-36462

Incorrect Diagram, Consent considerations, everything operation


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • US Da Vinci PDex (FHIR)
    • 2.0.0-ballot [deprecated]
    • Financial Mgmt
    • STU
    • HRex Coverage Profile [deprecated]
      patient-everything-pdex [deprecated]
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      The Consent profile is referenced alongside the Coverage and Patient Demographics profiles in the Payer-to-Payer exchange page of the IG with links to their Profiles in the Health Record Exchange (HRex) IG.

      A section is being added to the Payer-to-PAyer exchange page to cover the mTLS discovery step in greater detail. Profiles have been created in the FHIR Artifacts section of the IG and will be referenced in this section of the IG. Examples supporting the profiles will also be created.

            1.  mTLS Endpoint Discovery

      For Payers to establish a secure mTLS connection with another Payer there needs to be a discovery service. In the absence of a Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) or National Endpoint Directory service for Payers an interim solution is required. For this purpose a public git repository will be established that will be used to store signed mTLS endpoint bundles. 

      Each Payer will create an mTLS bundle. The bundle will be signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) using public/prviate keys.

      The profiles that comprise the bundle are included in the FHIR artifacts in this guide.

      The profiles are: 

      •   [mTLS Endpoint Bundle](StructureDefinition-mtls-bundle.html)
      •   [mTLS Endpoint](StructureDefinition-mtls-endpoint.html)
      •   [mTLS Organization](StructureDefinition-mtls-managing-organization.html)

      An extension is also defined to stored the mTLS signed object:

      •   [mTLS Signed Object](StructureDefinition-pdex-mtls-signedobject-extension.html)

      The issue with removing step 3 is that the original client credential would have to be scoped to access the API and would enable a payer to query any elements in the API. To provide protection to the  payer's API it would be necessary to provide a custom operation and have that operation perform a validation of the member id obtained from the member-match process.

      The flow , as designed is intended to enable the scoping of access to be controlled in the security layer rather than in the FHIR API layer.  This is similar to how the Authorization Code Flow works

      The link to the HRex member-match operation definition has been fixed.

      The link to Patient-everything-pdex has been fixed.

      Regarding Consent - if the P2P Exchange is viewed as a CE to CE transaction then the content has to be filtered based upon the minimum necessary provision rather than being a member-directed exchange.


      The Consent profile is referenced alongside the Coverage and Patient Demographics profiles in the Payer-to-Payer exchange page of the IG with links to their Profiles in the Health Record Exchange (HRex) IG. A section is being added to the Payer-to-PAyer exchange page to cover the mTLS discovery step in greater detail. Profiles have been created in the FHIR Artifacts section of the IG and will be referenced in this section of the IG. Examples supporting the profiles will also be created.  mTLS Endpoint Discovery For Payers to establish a secure mTLS connection with another Payer there needs to be a discovery service. In the absence of a Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) or National Endpoint Directory service for Payers an interim solution is required. For this purpose a public git repository will be established that will be used to store signed mTLS endpoint bundles.  Each Payer will create an mTLS bundle. The bundle will be signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) using public/prviate keys. The profiles that comprise the bundle are included in the FHIR artifacts in this guide. The profiles are:    [mTLS Endpoint Bundle] (StructureDefinition-mtls-bundle.html)   [mTLS Endpoint] (StructureDefinition-mtls-endpoint.html)   [mTLS Organization] (StructureDefinition-mtls-managing-organization.html) An extension is also defined to stored the mTLS signed object:   [mTLS Signed Object] (StructureDefinition-pdex-mtls-signedobject-extension.html) The issue with removing step 3 is that the original client credential would have to be scoped to access the API and would enable a payer to query any elements in the API. To provide protection to the  payer's API it would be necessary to provide a custom operation and have that operation perform a validation of the member id obtained from the member-match process. The flow , as designed is intended to enable the scoping of access to be controlled in the security layer rather than in the FHIR API layer.  This is similar to how the Authorization Code Flow works The link to the HRex member-match operation definition has been fixed. The link to Patient-everything-pdex has been fixed. Regarding Consent - if the P2P Exchange is viewed as a CE to CE transaction then the content has to be filtered based upon the minimum necessary provision rather than being a member-directed exchange.  
    • Bob Dieterle / Celine Lefebvre: 21-0-1
    • Correction
    • Compatible, substantive
    • Yes
    • 2.0.0-ballot [deprecated]

      Section 0 Table of Contents

      • IF the Consent Resource will be finally used as part of the member-match operation, it should be added to the list of resources involved in this IG. It should be clarified it will not be exchanged as par of the $everything payload, but just an accessory to the member-match operation.

      Section 4.2 Payer to Payer Exchange

      Subsection 4.2.1  Member Match with Consent

      • Step 1a in the diagram for section 4.2.1 Member match with consent needs more explicit detail.  We have been discussing a GitHub repo with signed bundle of endpoints and organization resources.  This needs to be flushed out and included.
        • Question weather the implementation details belong in the IG. 
      • For the diagram in section we would propose the following an alternative data flow removing step 3.  We recommend utilizing the original token acquired in step 2a as depicted in the diagram below.
        • This approach does alleviate the need to customize and Authorization/Identity implementation.
          • Complies with standard OAuth Client Credentials (B2B) flow.
        • Complies with SMART backend services flow: HL7.FHIR.UV.SMART-APP-LAUNCH\Backend Services - FHIR v4.0.1
        • Complies with, and follows the same conventions as the SMART launch specification and SMART user/* scopes.
          • Provider example with user/* scopes:  a provider has access to 10% of the patient population.  Access to a set of patients, not all and not 1.  This is another case where the FHIR server not the Auth server will be involved in downscoping.
        • This approach reduces the tokens from 2 per member-match transaction to 1 (potential licensing cost reduction depending on AuthZ/AuthN provider)
        • The FHIR server is being updated to handle both the $member-match and the $everything-pdex operations having the $everything-pdex operation check consent seems like a natural part of the operation
          • If we get rid of the $everything-pdex operation this point is no longer valid

      Subsection 4.2.2 Evaluation of Consent

      • "If a Consent is provided by an Authorized Representative the person's demographic details should be included as a contained resource (such as Patient or RelatedPerson) within the consent record. The Authorized Representative should be identified as an actor with an appropriate SecurityRoleType, such as "DPOWATT", "HPOWATT" or similar value."
      • Based on CMS FAQs we understand that P2P is a CE-to-CE transaction and hence the old payer does not 
        • need to know who requested this exchange
        • under what authority and
        • perform any checks to confirm their access to that data
          Based on our discussions so far we understand that DaVinci has submitted a question to CMS to get further clarifications on this scenario. This means this section of the IG is not based on any clear guidelines. And until we get the clarity we should assume that there is no requirement to include the Authorized Rep's demographic details in the request and no need for an old payer to evaluate the same. It would help simplify the solution.

      Subsection 4.2.5 Patient/{id}/$everything-pdex operation


      IG Reference: HL7.FHIR.US.DAVINCI-HREX\Home - FHIR v4.0.1


      Subsection 11.1.2


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            jason.teeple Jason Teeple
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