

    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci DTR (FHIR)
    • 1.0.0 [deprecated]
    • Clinical Decision Support
    • Technical Background and Underlying Technologies [deprecated]
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      Add context to support both SMART applications and EHR based applications.  This will include expanding the description in this paragraph and providing Capability Statements for each of the "types" of applications.

      The following statement should be moved to the Capability Statement that supports the SMART app – "Systems conformant to this IG Capability Statement SHALL also serve as a SMART on FHIR client."

      Add context to support both SMART applications and EHR based applications.  This will include expanding the description in this paragraph and providing Capability Statements for each of the "types" of applications. The following statement should be moved to the Capability Statement that supports the SMART app – "Systems conformant to this IG Capability Statement SHALL also serve as a SMART on FHIR  client."
    • Bob Dieterle / Jeff Brown : 12-0-2
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive


      "Client systems conformant to this IG SHALL also serve as a SMART on FHIR client."

      First, "client system" is not a useful label.  The SMART app itself will be acting as a RESTful client, but obviously it's not a SMART client.

      Second, we allow EHRs to take on the DTR functionality directly, in which case there'll be no need for them to be be a SMART client.

      Expectations around being able to launch SMART belong in the capability statement for the 'lite' EHR - not here.




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            lloyd Lloyd McKenzie
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