
    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci PDex (FHIR)
    • 1.0.0
    • Financial Mgmt
    • Payer source of data
    • Hide

      Update overview page with the following additional clarification about the handling of duplicative data:

      If the same data element is included in the member’s record from multiple sources for the same event, that information only needs to be mapped to FHIR and made available via the Patient Access API once. Payers should look at the data they maintain and ensure that information relevant to the member’s care and treatment over time is accurately represented – in this way, it may not be appropriate to include a single data element only once across multiple events.

      Where data is passed via Payer Data Exchange, Payers have the ability to indicate the provenance of the information they are sending. Receiving plans are not required to deduplicate data they have received from other payers or otherwise review or validate the data they receive from another payer.



      Update overview page with the following additional clarification about the handling of duplicative data: If the same data element is included in the member’s record from multiple sources for the same event, that information only needs to be mapped to FHIR and made available via the Patient Access API once. Payers should look at the data they maintain and ensure that information relevant to the member’s care and treatment over time is accurately represented – in this way, it may not be appropriate to include a single data element only once across multiple events. Where data is passed via Payer Data Exchange, Payers have the ability to indicate the provenance of the information they are sending. Receiving plans are not required to deduplicate data they have received from other payers or otherwise review or validate the data they receive from another payer.    
    • Bob Dieterle / Mark Scrimshire : 9-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Compatible, substantive
    • Yes
    • 2.0.0-ballot [deprecated]

      It is unclear how duplicated data across sources should be handled. If a payer has the same condition received from multiple organizations, should each unique version be included, or a single deduplicated version with multiple provenance resources that contributed to the condition used by the payer?

      Alternatively, payers receive duplicate data from a single source. For example an encounter can be received via CDA, ADT, claims and FHIR. Is the expectation that the payer would send all four versions of that same encounter to a destination, each with a unique provenance resource?

            Unassigned Unassigned
            bill_lancelle Bill Lancelle (Inactive)
            2 Start watching this issue
