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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-36156

Relax measure score requirement in computable measure profile


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Quality Measures (FHIR)
    • 2.1.0 [deprecated]
    • Clinical Quality Information
    • CQFM Cohort Measure
      CQFM Composite Measure
      CQFM Computable Measure
      CQFM Continuous Variable Measure
      CQFM Proportion Measure
      CQFM Ratio Measure
    • Hide

      Modify the ComputableMeasure profile to support mixed-scoring rate measures (i.e. measures that have multiple rates that use different scoring methods).

      This means for each of the following elements:


      If the element is specified on the root, it SHALL NOT be specified on any group. If the element is not specified on the root, it SHALL be specified on all groups

      scoringUnit can only be specified at the root if scoring is specified at the root, and can only be specified on a group if scoring is specified on that group

      For the following elements:


      If the element is specified on the root, it SHALL NOT be specified on any group. If the element is not specified on the root, it MAY be specified on any group.

      In addition, we will define invariants to enforce population criteria requirements on each group, one invariant for each scoring type.


      Modify the ComputableMeasure profile to support mixed-scoring rate measures (i.e. measures that have multiple rates that use different scoring methods). This means for each of the following elements: populationBasis scoring improvementNotation If the element is specified on the root, it SHALL NOT be specified on any group. If the element is not specified on the root, it SHALL be specified on all groups scoringUnit can only be specified at the root if scoring is specified at the root, and can only be specified on a group if scoring is specified on that group For the following elements: type riskAdjustment rateAggregation If the element is specified on the root, it SHALL NOT be specified on any group. If the element is not specified on the root, it MAY be specified on any group. In addition, we will define invariants to enforce population criteria requirements on each group, one invariant for each scoring type.  
    • Stan Rankins/ Floyd Eisenberg: 16-0-0
    • Correction
    • Compatible, substantive

      The computable measure and measure score profiles (i.e., Cohort, Ratio, Proportion, Continuous Variable, Composite) require measure score to be provided at the measure level. This behavior is okay when handling measures with single measure groups or those with multiple measure groups whose scoring is the same. However, for those measures that have multiple groups where the group scoring is needed because there are differences in the group scorings used, the measure scoring requirement at the measure level should be relaxed so as not to require the measure score at both the measure and group levels.

      To handle this nuance, a recommendation would be to change the measure.scoring minimum cardinality requirement in the computable measure profile to 0 and add some invariants to validate scoring requirements per rate.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            stan_rankins Stan Rankins
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