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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-35367

Add Bulk Publication as an optional access method


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci Drug Formulary (FHIR)
    • 1.1.0
    • Pharmacy
    • (NA)
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      Add Guidance that a server may support bulk data.


      A server MAY support Bulk Data IG for the retrieval of formulary data not related to an individual. The Bulk Data IG may be used because the data set for formularies could be large as a server may manage multiple formularies, each of which may contain thousands of drugs. If and how authorization is supported is not defined by this specification, however, the Bulk IG does provide guidance on SMART Backend Service Authorization.

      If a Formulary server supports the Bulk Data IG:

      • The server SHOULD support the system level export operation [base]/$export.
      • The server SHOULD support InsurancePlanBasicMedicationKnowledge, and Location resource types for the [base]/$export?_type.
      • The server SHOULD return only formulary related resources conformant to this guide.
      • The server SHOULD support the Bulk Data Kick-off Request.
      • The server SHOULD support the Bulk Data File Request.
      • The server MAY support the Bulk Data Status Request.
      • The server MAY support the Bulk Data Delete Request.

      Add Draft Graph Definitions for expected returned results:

      • usdf-PayerInsurancePlanBulkDataGraphDefinition
      • usdf-FormularyBulkDataGraphDefinition
      Add Guidance that a server may support bulk data.   A server  MAY  support  Bulk Data IG  for the retrieval of formulary data not related to an individual. The Bulk Data IG may be used because the data set for formularies could be large as a server may manage multiple formularies, each of which may contain thousands of drugs. If and how authorization is supported is not defined by this specification, however, the Bulk IG does provide guidance on SMART Backend Service Authorization. If a Formulary server supports the Bulk Data IG: The server  SHOULD  support the system level export operation  [base] /$export . The server  SHOULD  support  InsurancePlan ,  Basic ,  MedicationKnowledge , and  Location  resource types for the  [base] /$export?_type . The server  SHOULD  return only formulary related resources conformant to this guide. The server  SHOULD  support the Bulk Data Kick-off Request. The server  SHOULD  support the Bulk Data File Request. The server  MAY  support the Bulk Data Status Request. The server  MAY  support the Bulk Data Delete Request. Add Draft Graph Definitions for expected returned results: usdf-PayerInsurancePlanBulkDataGraphDefinition usdf-FormularyBulkDataGraphDefinition
    • Scott Robertson / Corey Spears : 14-0-1
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive

      For publishers hosting formulary data across many organizations and plans, it’d be very helpful to support open-access Bulk Publish pattern as one option (in addition to the other methods), as used in SMART Scheduling Links. This allows many kinds of clients (e.g., rules engines that can pre-load large data sets into their own backend for comparison shopping) to retrieve data in a fast and consistent way. A brief note like the following would help:

      Servers MAY support a $bulk-publish operation to provide open access to formulary data in aggregated format, following the pattern defined in FHIR Bulk Data Export and profiled in SMART Scheduling Links](https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/smart-scheduling-links/blob/master/specification.md).


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