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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-35208

Provide link to the CAA No Surprises legislation


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci Patient Cost Transparency (PCT) (FHIR)
    • 0.1.0 [deprecated]
    • Financial Mgmt
    • Patient Cost Transparency Implementation Guide Home Page
    • 1.1
    • Hide

      The link will be added to the IG:

      H.R.133 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. (2020, December 27). [https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/133] (see Division BB, Title I, Sections 111 and 112) .

      The link will be added to the IG: H.R.133 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. (2020, December 27). [ https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/133 ] (see Division BB, Title I, Sections 111 and 112) .
    • Corey Spears / Rachel Foerster : 14-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive

      Provide a link to the legislation.  Several times in the guide, you refer to sections and I had to go find it each time.  Would also be useful to provide same link any time a section is referenced.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            lmichaelsen Linda Michaelsen
            5 Start watching this issue
