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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-34969

stronger language in P&S section


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • US Da Vinci Patient Cost Transparency (PCT) (FHIR)
    • current
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    • Formal Specification
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      Current text:

      Every system implementing the PCT guide will need to be aware of and follow the guidance in the FHIR Core Specification on Clinical Safety and the Security and Privacy page in the Da Vinci HRex guide.


      New text:

      Every system claiming conformance to this IG SHALL meet the requirements defined in the Security and Privacy section of the Da Vinci HRex IG. The FHIR implementer’s Safety Checklist helps implementers be sure that they have considered all the parts of FHIR that impact their system design regarding privacy, security, provenance, and safety.

      Current text: Every system implementing the PCT guide will need to be aware of and follow the guidance in the FHIR Core Specification on  Clinical Safety  and the  Security and Privacy page in the Da Vinci HRex guide .   New text: Every system claiming conformance to this IG SHALL meet the requirements defined in the  Security and Privacy section of the Da Vinci HRex IG . The FHIR implementer’s  Safety Checklist  helps implementers be sure that they have considered all the parts of FHIR that impact their system design regarding privacy, security, provenance, and safety.
    • Vanessa Candelora / Celine lefebvre : 9-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive

      In P&S section – from "Every system implementing the PCT guide will need to be aware of and follow the guidance in . . . " Suggest strengthening this to "Every system implementing the PCT guide SHALL follow the guidance in . . . "

            Unassigned Unassigned
            celine_lefebvre Celine Lefebvre
            Celine Lefebvre
            4 Start watching this issue
