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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-33061

Add ConceptMap Usage Notes to Describe Mapping with Value Sets


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • FHIR Core (FHIR)
    • R5
    • Terminology Infrastructure
    • ConceptMap
    • Usage Notes
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      Usage notes to go into Scope and Usage section.


      Change this text FROM

      Each mapping for a concept from the source to target system includes a relationship property that specifies how similar the mapping is (or, in some cases, that there is no valid mapping).


      Each mapping from a source concept to a target concept includes a relationship element describing the semantic correspondence between the two  (or, in some cases, that there is no valid mapping).


      — In the statement: "There is one element for each concept or field in the source value set or system that needs to be mapped. Each source concept may have multiple targets" needs to be updated

          – replace "source value set or system" with "sourceScope value set or group.source code system"

          – The text "There is one element for each concept" should be changed to "There can be an element for each concept"

      End result:

      There can be an element for each concept or field in the sourceScope value set or group.source code system that needs to be mapped. Each source concept may have multiple targets.


       Use of group.element.valueSet   (see FHIR-15687 which must be applied before this can be done)

         – The notes below assume that an invariant will be added requiring that either group.element.code or group.element.valueSet has a value but not both in the same group.element .

         – This new content should be added prior to the the following statement: "There SHOULD be at least one target for each element, but some incomplete concept maps might not have a target for each concept."


      The mapping applies to all members of the expansion of the group.element.valueSet which are also within the scope of sourceScope if specified.

      The meaning associated with the use of group.element.valueSet is the same as having individual group.element.code mappings for each concept in the expansion of the group.element.valueSet


       Use of group.element.target.valueSet (see FHIR-15687 which must be applied before this can be done)

         – This new content should be added after the above content for group.element.valueSet

         – The notes below assume that an invariant will be added requiring that either group.element.target.code or group.element.target.valueSet has a value but not both in the same group.element.target. (see FHIR-15687 which must be applied before this can be done)

      NEW STATEMENTS:    – 

      The mapping applies to all members of the expansion of the group.element.target.valueSet which are also within the scope of targetScope if specified.

      The meaning associated with the use of group.element.target.valueSet is the same as having individual group.element.target.code mappings for each concept in the expansion of the group.element.target.valueSet


      – Use of group.unmapped.valueSet 

         – This new content should be added after the above content for group.element.target.valueSet (see FHIR-15687 which must be applied before this can be done)

      – The notes below assume that an invariant will be added requiring that either group.unmapped.code or group.unmapped.valueSet has a value but not both in the same group.unmapped element.


      The expansion of the group.unmapped.valueSet value set provides the set of fixed codes to use when the mode = 'fixed'. All unmapped source codes are then mapped to each of these fixed codes.


      Usage notes to go into Scope and Usage section. ****** Change this text FROM Each mapping for a concept from the source to target system includes a  relationship  property that specifies how similar the mapping is (or, in some cases, that there is no valid mapping). TO Each mapping from a source concept to a target concept includes a  relationship  element describing the semantic correspondence between the two  (or, in some cases, that there is no valid mapping). ********************** — In the statement: " There is one  element  for each concept or field in the source value set or system that needs to be mapped. Each source concept may have multiple targets " needs to be updated     – replace "source value set or system" with " sourceScope  value set or group.source code system"     – The text  "There is one element for each concept"  should be changed to " There can be an element for each concept" End result: There can be an element for each concept or field in the sourceScope value set or group.source code system that needs to be mapped.   Each source concept may have multiple targets. **************  –  Use of group.element.valueSet   (see FHIR-15687 which must be applied before this can be done)    – The notes below assume that an invariant will be added requiring that either group.element.code or group.element.valueSet has a value but not both in the same group.element .    – This new content should be added prior to the the following statement:  "There SHOULD be at least one target for each element, but some incomplete concept maps might not have a target for each concept." NEW STATEMENTS:   The mapping applies to all members of the expansion of the group.element.valueSet which are also within the scope of sourceScope if specified. The meaning associated with the use of group.element.valueSet is the same as having individual group.element.code mappings for each concept in the expansion of the group.element.valueSet  ************************************** –  Use of group.element.target.valueSet (see FHIR-15687 which must be applied before this can be done)    – This new content should be added after the above content for group.element.valueSet    – The notes below assume that an invariant will be added requiring that either group.element.target.code or group.element.target.valueSet has a value but not both in the same group.element.target. (see FHIR-15687 which must be applied before this can be done) NEW STATEMENTS:     –  The mapping applies to all members of the expansion of the group.element.target.valueSet which are also within the scope of  targetScope  if specified. The meaning associated with the use of group.element.target.valueSet is the same as having individual group.element.target.code mappings for each concept in the expansion of the group.element.target.valueSet  **************************** – Use of group.unmapped.valueSet     – This new content should be added after the above content for group.element.target.valueSet (see FHIR-15687 which must be applied before this can be done) – The notes below assume that an invariant will be added requiring that either group.unmapped.code or group.unmapped.valueSet has a value but not both in the same group.unmapped element.   NEW STATEMENTS:    The expansion of the group.unmapped.valueSet value set provides the set of fixed codes to use when the mode = 'fixed'. All unmapped source codes are then mapped to each of these fixed codes.  
    • Reuben Daniels/Marc Ducteau: 3-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive
    • R5

      Add usage notes to explain how to map to/from ValueSet. See #FHIR-15687

            jsnell Jessica Bota
            carmela_couderc Carmela A. Couderc
            3 Start watching this issue
