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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-32740

Generalize Knowledge Artifact Repository


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • US Quality Measures (FHIR)
    • 2.1.0 [deprecated]
    • Clinical Quality Information
    • Measure Repository Service
    • 10.2.1
    • Hide

      Add a paragraph to the overview:

      Although this capability statement is expressed from the perspective of quality measurement, the concepts and behaviors described are applicable to knowledge artifacts more generally and could be usefully applied to other resource types such as PlanDefinition, StructureDefinition, ValueSet, etc.

      As far as Artifact Source, that information is generally captured for conformance resources with the "publisher" and "contact" elements, as well as for metadata resources with the "editor", "author", "reviewer", and "endorser" elements.


      Add a paragraph to the overview: Although this capability statement is expressed from the perspective of quality measurement, the concepts and behaviors described are applicable to knowledge artifacts more generally and could be usefully applied to other resource types such as PlanDefinition, StructureDefinition, ValueSet, etc. As far as Artifact Source, that information is generally captured for conformance resources with the "publisher" and "contact" elements, as well as for metadata resources with the "editor", "author", "reviewer", and "endorser" elements.  
    • Bryn Rhodes/Abdullah Rafiqi: 21-0-1
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive

      It seems the Knowledge Artifact Management applies specifically to eCQMs (in other words, eCQMs are a type of knowledge artifact management). Are there other such artifacts worth noting for this Quality Measure IG? Or are eCQMs the main (and only) such artifact?
      o Should there be an Artifact Source, to document the provenance of the artifact? For example in eCQMs, the origin of the eCQM?

      (Comment 23 - imported by: Bryn Rhodes)

            bryn.rhodes Bryn Rhodes
            wgsuarez Walter Suarez
            2 Start watching this issue
