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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-32372

valueFilter extension for DataRequirement


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Quality Measures (FHIR)
    • 2.1.0 [deprecated]
    • Clinical Quality Information
    • Library Data Requirements [deprecated]
      Measure Data Requirements [deprecated]
    • Hide

      Define a valueFilter operator to allow specification of additional filtering:

      valueFilter Extension usable on DataRequirement 0..*
      valueFilter.path string 0..1
      valueFilter.searchParam string 0..1
      valueFilter.comparator code 1..1 Required binding to { eq, gt, lt, ge, le, sa, eb }
      valueFilter.value[x] ( boolean, string, integer, Quantity, Ratio, Range ) 0..1

      Invariant: one of path or searchParam SHALL be present

      The value set for the comparator code should be created based on the Search Comparator value set http://hl7.org/fhir/codesystem-search-comparator.html

      Note that the codes ne (Not Equals) and ap (Approximately) from the Search Comparator code system are purposely not included in this value set, because they are not suitable for indexing access. 

      Define a valueFilter operator to allow specification of additional filtering: valueFilter Extension usable on DataRequirement 0..* valueFilter.path string 0..1 valueFilter.searchParam string 0..1 valueFilter.comparator code 1..1 Required binding to { eq, gt, lt, ge, le, sa, eb } valueFilter.value [x]  ( boolean, string, integer, Quantity, Ratio, Range ) 0..1 Invariant: one of path or searchParam SHALL be present The value set for the comparator code should be created based on the Search Comparator value set http://hl7.org/fhir/codesystem-search-comparator.html Note that the codes ne (Not Equals) and ap (Approximately) from the Search Comparator code system are purposely not included in this value set, because they are not suitable for indexing access. 
    • Paul Denning/Bryn Rhodes: 19-0-0
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive

      Add an extension "valueFilter" for use within DataRequirement.

      valueFilter will be modeled after

      Within valueFilter, define sub-elements
      path, searchParam, and value[x]

      Choices for value[x] would include
      valueQuantity Quantity
      valueString string
      valueBoolean boolean
      valueInteger integer
      valueRange Range
      valueRatio Ratio
      valueSampledData SampledData

      It is expected that CQL logic for eCQMs would retrieve FHIR Observation resources and then ask questions in a "where" clause about certain values of Observation.value[x].
      DataRequirement now supports codeFilter for comparing Observation.valueCodeableConcept to a value set, and dateFilter for tests of .valueSDateTime, .valuePeriod, and .valueDuration.

            bryn.rhodes Bryn Rhodes
            mitrep9g Paul Denning
            5 Start watching this issue
