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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-32116

Need to express the relationship between this guide and others


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    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
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    • US Da Vinci CDex (FHIR)
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      In [BackGround Page](http://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/davinci-ecdx/background.html#where-does-cdex-fit-in-the-da-vinci-project)

      1) Reference table on functional overlap between Da Vinci IG and CDEX and Where CDex could be used in addition to or instead of DaVinci IG


      2) Add Guidance stating that: 

      "CDex may be used to request clinical data from a provider when:

      • an alternative is needed to cover some aspect of an exchange (for example in DaVinci CRD, if a CDS hook client refuses prefetch requests, the CDS service could use CDEX to request the data instead).
      •  there is a specific exchange is not already addressed by one of the other IGs  (for example in DaVinci PAS, the Payer could requests additional information for prior authorization see http://hl7.org/fhir/us/davinci-pas/usecases.html#submit-additional-information).
      • the other IG has not been or can not be implemented for the use case.  (for example, the Da Vinci DEQM provides a standard method for automating the reporting of Quality Measures. CDex can be used when:
        1. The measure is not yet implementable using DEQM
        2. A Provider has not implemented DEQM
        3. Additional information is required for an audit of the Quality Measure).


      In [BackGround Page] ( http://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/davinci-ecdx/background.html#where-does-cdex-fit-in-the-da-vinci-project ) 1) Reference table on functional overlap between Da Vinci IG and CDEX and Where CDex could be used in addition to or instead of DaVinci IG https://confluence.hl7.org/display/DVP/CDEX+Overlap+with+Other+DaVinci+IGs 2) Add Guidance stating that:  "CDex may be used to request clinical data from a provider when: an alternative is needed to cover some aspect of an exchange (for example in DaVinci CRD, if a CDS hook client refuses prefetch requests, the CDS service could use CDEX to request the data instead).  there is a specific exchange is not already addressed by one of the other IGs  (for example in DaVinci PAS, the Payer could requests additional information for prior authorization see http://hl7.org/fhir/us/davinci-pas/usecases.html#submit-additional-information ). the other IG has not been or can not be implemented for the use case.  (for example, the Da Vinci DEQM provides a standard method for automating the reporting of Quality Measures. CDex can be used when: The measure is not yet implementable using DEQM A Provider has not implemented DEQM Additional information is required for an audit of the Quality Measure).   "
    • Eric Haas/Jay Lyle: 8-0-1
    • Enhancement
    • Non-substantive

      We need the equivalent of a "Scope and boundaries" section in this IG that identifies the specific other Da Vinci IGs (as well as US Core) that deal with provider-to-provider and provider-to-payer exchange.  CDex is, in many ways, a "fall-back" IG that is intended to cover those exchanges not already addressed by one of the other IGs.  As such, readers need to:

      • be aware of the other IGs that also exist in this space and may be more appropriate for use in some situations
      • understand the specific gaps in those other IGs that this guide is specifically intended to exist.

      For example, if a payer needs data to close a gap, when do they use "Gaps in Care" and when will they need to use CDex?  When is US Core enough and when is CDex necessary?

      Suggest that we author proposed language and then run it past the other groups by email and discuss any points of contention in a dedicated 30-minute session or something on one of our Monday calls

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