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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-31996

Purpose of Use <> Task.reasonCode


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci CDex (FHIR)
    • current
    • Patient Care
    • Specification [deprecated]
    • Hide

      1) remove bullet  

       "Provides the ability to represent the reason (Purpose of Use) in the Task.reasonCode element using either codes or free text."

      2) Replace with guidance that reasonCode/reasonReference should point to the object that directly lead to the task - a particular claim for example.

      3)  Document how purpose of use is communicated between parties for Task-based approach as outlined in 4-6 below...

      4) Updated CDEX Task Profile to use Task.input slice to represent a parameter for purpose of use for the requested data


      (Can't use Task.meta.security to indicate this ... discussed this open question on Zulip)


      5) Create  extensible Purpose of Use ValueSet to indicate the POU

      6) update all examples fixing reasonCode and adding extension.

      FYI : example instance 


      1) remove bullet    "Provides the ability to represent the reason ( Purpose of Use ) in the  Task.reasonCode  element using either codes or free text." 2) Replace with guidance that reasonCode/reasonReference should point to the object that directly lead to the task - a particular claim for example. 3)  Document how purpose of use is communicated between parties for Task-based approach as outlined in 4-6 below... 4) Updated CDEX Task Profile to use Task.input slice to represent a parameter for purpose of use for the requested data Background: (Can't use Task.meta.security to indicate this ... discussed this open question on Zulip )   5) Create  extensible Purpose of Use ValueSet to indicate the POU   6) update all examples fixing reasonCode and adding extension. FYI : example instance   
    • Eric Haas/Jay Lyle: 8-0-1
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive

      This is incorrect  "Provides the ability to represent the reason (Purpose of Use) in the Task.reasonCode element using either codes or free text."

      e.g, Purpose of Use = Claims attachments

      reason = Claim

      Need to provide guidance on how purpose of use is communicated between parties for Task-based approach.  Options:

      • Same as direct query- via user scopes.
      • Via extension on Task
      • Other


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            ehaas Eric Haas
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