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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-31774

Add guidance for use of the CVX code system and value sets


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Not Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • FHIR Core (FHIR)
    • R4
    • Terminology Infrastructure
    • Terminologies - Systems
      Terminologies - Valuesets
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      Item 1: This will be fixed in next release of THO (terminology.hl7.org), the code system metadata record and identifiers will be updated in the next release.   

      Item 2: this references an Australian code system (no longer used, it has been replaced) and CVX - and is used only with example bindings  Max - if you would like to get updates to this value set, enter a ticket to the Public Health and Emergency Response WG. 

      Item 3: The answer is yes, this is the URL to use. 

      Request for guidance about creating value sets of active codes - this is documented in the $expand parameter definitions. The expansion could ask for active only. 

      Vocab does not have control over PHIN VADS update cycle. In terms of tx.fhir.org, the people working on that project are responsible for managing updates. 

      Item 1: This will be fixed in next release of THO (terminology.hl7.org), the code system metadata record and identifiers will be updated in the next release.    Item 2: this references an Australian code system (no longer used, it has been replaced) and CVX - and is used only with example bindings  Max - if you would like to get updates to this value set, enter a ticket to the Public Health and Emergency Response WG.  Item 3: The answer is yes, this is the URL to use.  Request for guidance about creating value sets of active codes - this is documented in the $expand parameter definitions. The expansion could ask for active only.  Vocab does not have control over PHIN VADS update cycle. In terms of tx.fhir.org, the people working on that project are responsible for managing updates. 
    • Rob Hausam/Reuben Daniels: 4-0-0

      Improving the IG developer guidance for using HL7/FHIR-maintained CVX code systems and value sets is time-sensitive as this is related to vaccinations and there may be developers actively working on FHIR IGs that need to use CVX codes.

      There are 3 HL7/FHIR-managed pages I've identified that I think should be updated to clarify what the recommended code system and value set is.


      Item 1) https://terminology.hl7.org/2.1.0/ValueSet-v2-0292.html is out of date and should not be used. Currently there is a warning that reads:

      Warning: this expansion is generated from a fragment of the code system PH_VaccinesAdministeredCVX_CDC_NIP and may be missing codes, or include codes that are not valid

      I don't think this warning is strong or clear enough as this value set should never be used for new implementations. Could it be changed to something like the following?

      Warning: This value set is no longer updated. New implementations should instead use X.

      Except I'm not sure what X should be. I believe https://www2a.cdc.gov/vaccines/iis/iisstandards/vaccines.asp?rpt=cvx is the canonical source for the underlying code system, but this does not have a FHIR endpoint as far as I can tell.


      Item 2) My understanding is that https://www.hl7.org/fhir/valueset-vaccine-code.html is also not kept up to date. Can a similar warning be added to this page?


      Item 3) Can https://www.hl7.org/fhir/cvx.html be updated to indicate what URI should be used in FHIR IGs to refer to the CVX code system? (Is it still http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/cvx? Does this make sense if tx.fhir.org has an outdated version of the CVX code system that doesn't include any COVID-19 vaccines, which I believe is the current state?)

      And can this page have an explanation added indicating what, if any best practice there is for a value set of active CVX codes? (Most implementations will likely only want to bind to the subset of active CVX rather than all of them, which needs a value set.)

      My understanding is that the PHIN VADS versions of the CVX code system and value set are also not necessarily regularly updated. I believe the Vocab WG discussed this and may have more details though.

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            masnick Max Masnick
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