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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-31500

Add Student Status Extension to Patient



    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Not Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • FHIR Core (FHIR)
    • R5
    • Patient Administration
    • Patient
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      The data in v2 was not specific as to what/why it was being recorded, and the ODH data covers more depth of content that is more appropriate for usage.

      For financial purposes would also need to know which institution, what period (so that can know if is actually current or not) and thus is applicable.

      The v2-fhir mapping can define it's own extension for tracking this content, however we believe that is not likely to contain enough data to be useful.



      The data in v2 was not specific as to what/why it was being recorded, and the ODH data covers more depth of content that is more appropriate for usage. For financial purposes would also need to know which institution, what period (so that can know if is actually current or not) and thus is applicable. The v2-fhir mapping can define it's own extension for tracking this content, however we believe that is not likely to contain enough data to be useful.    
    • Sonja Ziegler/Cooper Thompson: 7-0-0


      As part of the v2-to-FHIR project we are mapping commonly used fields in key v2 messages to FHIR resources so that messages can be transformed into bundle of FHIR resources. PD1-5 is the Student Indicator field but there is no cognate existing data element in FHIR. We suggest that a standard extension to Patient be created to allow exchange of this concept. 

      We suggest a CodeableConcept value using value set http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0231 with a binding other than Required (as table 0231 is user defined and the v2 values are suggestions only).

      The v2 description can be reused as part of the extension narrative:

      Indicates if the patient is currently a student or not, and whether the patient is a full-time or a part-time student. It does not indicate the student's degree level (high school, college, elementary) or the student's field of study (accounting, engineering, etc.).




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            craig.newman Craig Newman
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