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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-31102

Recommend including specific screeners.



    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • US SDOH Clinical Care (FHIR)
    • 0.1.0 [deprecated]
    • Patient Care
    • Survey Instrument Support [deprecated]
    • 5
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      Based on this and other comments, we plan to include an example of mapping the PRAPARE survey in the same fashion as the Hunger Vital Signs. Will support all of the PRAPARE questions to Observations and a subset of the Conditions based on PRAPARE's mapping to SNOMED-CT and ICD-10.  We do not plan to include an exhaustive list of possible screening tools in the IG.

      Based on this and other comments, we plan to include an example of mapping the PRAPARE survey in the same fashion as the Hunger Vital Signs. Will support all of the PRAPARE questions to Observations and a subset of the Conditions based on PRAPARE's mapping to SNOMED-CT and ICD-10.  We do not plan to include an exhaustive list of possible screening tools in the IG.
    • Bob Dieterle / Jay Lyle : 7-0-3
    • Enhancement
    • Non-substantive


      No specific screeners (PRAPARE, etc.) are mentioned here. Shouldn’t they be? Isn’t it important for readers to see described the common, popular SDOH screeners, many of which are today incorporated in EHRs, and then understand how this specification relates to those screeners? A primary purpose of this specification is to ease automated capture of SDOH data, much of which comes from screener questions from PAPARE, Accountable Health Communities, etc. Maybe it is mentioned elsewhere in the document – if not it needs to be added, including a crosswalk between those questions, answers and how the concepts and categories are modeled in the specification.
      Here are a few relevant references:

      PRAPARE checklist

      http://www.nachc.org/research-and-data/prapare/ (page about the tool)

      http://www.nachc.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/PRAPARE_One_Pager_Sept_2016.pdf (tool itself)

      http://www.nachc.org/research-and-data/prapare/data-documentation-with-prapare-icd-10-loinc-codes-2016-8-24/ (PRAPARE with ICD-10 and LOINC codes mapped)

      AHC social needs screening tool

      https://innovation.cms.gov/initiatives/ahcm/ (program page containing link to the tool)

      https://innovation.cms.gov/Files/worksheets/ahcm-screeningtool.pdf (tool itself)

      (Comment 25 - imported by: Robert Dieterle)




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            celine_lefebvre Celine Lefebvre
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