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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-30870

clarify when attribution is not present or non-repudiable


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
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    • US Da Vinci CDex (FHIR)
    • current
    • Patient Care
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      This trackers is composed of several parts.

      See the following Trackers for each separate resolution:

      1.  FHIR-31884 - Expand paragraph with further explanation/examples
      2. FHIR-31885 - direct links to the specific section of HRex. 
      3. FHIR-31886 - Specification re Authorization
      4. FHIR-31887 - restrict access to pertinent patients 
      5. FHIR-31888 - audit trail available for clinician/patient
      6. FHIR-31889 - Localizing non-structured data elements by SNOMED, ICD-10 or historical data will be very challenging
      7.  FHIR-31890 - overflowing their workflow in-basket impacting patient care 
      This trackers is composed of several parts. See the following Trackers for each separate resolution:   FHIR-31884 - Expand paragraph with further explanation/examples FHIR-31885 - direct links to the specific section of HRex.  FHIR-31886 - Specification re Authorization FHIR-31887 - restrict access to pertinent patients  FHIR-31888 - audit trail available for clinician/patient FHIR-31889 - Localizing non-structured data elements by SNOMED, ICD-10 or historical data will be very challenging   FHIR-31890 - overflowing their workflow in-basket impacting patient care 
    • Eric Haas/Jay Lyle: 8-0-1
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive

      1) Background: 2.2 "Where attribution is not present or non-repudiable, then HIE content is not acceptable for most payer use-cases." Recommend expand this paragraph with further explanation/examples.
      2) 8 Specification: While paragraph references HRex, the importance of Security and Privacy could warrant a direct link to the specific section of HRex.
      3) 8.1 Specification re Authorization: Suggest: if simple data pull (eg Hba1c in relevant Period) has been so approved for this payer/consumer, then EHR system might provide auto-Auth but Clinican review/opinion could be signed similar to an order/note.
      4) 8.2.4 Specification: Queries SHALL/MUST be locked down to patients covered by that payer (at some point in time, with timing considerations to restrict access to pertinent patients) - suggest such an important consideration be noted here as well, not just HRex.
      5) Specification: Strongly recommend: Any/all payer searches/queries SHALL/MUST be documented in the EHR patient record, with audit trail available for clinician/patient (queryable/reportable). While EHR dependent, process/specification should be standardized.
      6) Localizing non-structured data elements by SNOMED, ICD-10 or historical data will be very challenging due to multiple concepts within text blocks or dictated text under catch all identifiers and therefore flow to clinicians' workflow in-baskets.
      7) Clinicians are concerned re increases in volume/frequency/complexity of requests from multiple/recurrent payers overflowing their workflow in-basket impacting patient care due to increased face to screen time especially if it cannot be accurately/automatically delegated to EHR/support staff.

      (Comment 68 - imported by: Jean Duteau)

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            peter.muir Peter Muir
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