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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-30685

Well done. Make explicit.


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Not Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • US Core (FHIR)
    • 3.1.1
    • Cross-Group Projects
    • (NA)
    • 18.111.1
    • Hide

      1) PRE-APPLIED will update text from

      Profile specific implementation guidance:

      • ...
      • An Observation without a value, SHALL include a reason why the data is absent unless there are component observations, or references to other Observations that are grouped within it.
      • ...


      Profile specific implementation guidance:

      • ...
      • An Observation without a value, SHALL include a reason why the data is absent unless there are 1) component observations, or 2) reporting vital signs panel components using  `Observation.hasMember`.


      2) will work with publishing on displaying appropriate invariant content in each of the profile views (currently displaying too much or too little) ... Zulip chat pending

      3) to improve display of differential, update the profile structuredefinition differential element to to remove any inherited invariants from the root ( since they are unneeded ) and reference existing inherited invariants at the element level if not already inherited.  e.g  vs-2 on value element

      1) PRE-APPLIED will update text from Profile specific implementation guidance: ... An Observation without a value,  SHALL  include a reason why the data is absent unless there are component observations, or references to other Observations that are grouped within it. ... to  Profile specific implementation guidance: ... An Observation without a value,  SHALL  include a reason why the data is absent  unless  there are 1) component observations, or 2) reporting vital signs panel components using  `Observation.hasMember`.   2) will work with publishing on displaying appropriate invariant content in each of the profile views (currently displaying too much or too little) ... Zulip chat pending 3) to improve display of differential, update the profile structuredefinition  differential element  to to remove any inherited invariants from the root ( since they are unneeded ) and reference existing inherited invariants at the element level if not already inherited.  e.g  vs-2 on value element
    • Brett Marquard/Eric Haas: 17-0-3
    • Clarification
    • Compatible, substantive

      HL7 Core requires a value or DAR for Observation.value. This suggests that in panels, one should DAR the value, but it does not state this explicitly. We presume the correct DAR code is NA.
      US Core removes the requirement to DAR Observation.code in panels: this is good, if intentional (not annotated). Perhaps it should be explicit.

      (Comment 68 - imported by: Jean Duteau)

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            klsalzman Keith Salzman
            4 Start watching this issue
