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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-30207

Allow request-doNotPerform on Task


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • FHIR Core (FHIR)
    • R4
    • FHIR Infrastructure
    • Task
    • Hide

      Will add doNotPerform to Task.  Will add the following as usage notes specifically to doNotPerform:

      doNotPerform should ONLY be used with Tasks that are tightly bounded in time or process phase.  E.g. "Do not fulfill the midnight dose of medication X tonight due to the early morning scheduled procedure", where the nurse could reasonably check off "Med X not given at midnight as instructed".  Similarly a decision support proposal that a patient shouldn't be given a standard intake questionnaire (because the patient is cognitively impaired) would be marked as 'complete' or 'rejected' when the clinician preps the CarePlan or order set after reviewing the decision support results.  If there is a need to create a standing order to not do something that can't be satisfied by a single 'non-action', but rather an ongoing refusal to perform the function, MedicationRequest, ServiceRequest or some other form of authorization should be used.

      In addition, will add to the usage notes: "While Task can be used to seek fulfillment of other authorizations such as ServiceRequests, MedicationRequests, etc., Task can also be used on its own to solicit action without any prior authorization.  However, such requests for action should be tightly time-bound and be satisfied with a single 'event'.  I.e. they should ask as a task-list checkbox that can easily be marked as complete.  Any action that requires ongoing repeated performance should be captured using a different type of resource, not Task."

      @bryn Rhodes will create some example instances highlighting its use.

      Will add doNotPerform to Task.  Will add the following as usage notes specifically to doNotPerform: doNotPerform should ONLY be used with Tasks that are tightly bounded in time or process phase.  E.g. "Do not fulfill the midnight dose of medication X tonight due to the early morning scheduled procedure", where the nurse could reasonably check off "Med X not given at midnight as instructed".  Similarly a decision support proposal that a patient shouldn't be given a standard intake questionnaire (because the patient is cognitively impaired) would be marked as 'complete' or 'rejected' when the clinician preps the CarePlan or order set after reviewing the decision support results.  If there is a need to create a standing order to not do something that can't be satisfied by a single 'non-action', but rather an ongoing refusal to perform the function, MedicationRequest, ServiceRequest or some other form of authorization should be used. In addition, will add to the usage notes: "While Task can be used to seek fulfillment of other authorizations such as ServiceRequests, MedicationRequests, etc., Task can also be used on its own to solicit action without any prior authorization.  However, such requests for action should be tightly time-bound and be satisfied with a single 'event'.  I.e. they should ask as a task-list checkbox that can easily be marked as complete.  Any action that requires ongoing repeated performance should be captured using a different type of resource, not Task." @bryn Rhodes will create some example instances highlighting its use.
    • Bryn Rhodes/John Hatem: 8-0-0
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive
    • R5

      The Task resource does not have a doNotPerform element, and the request-doNotPerform does not allow Task as a context. Consider allowing the request-doNotPerform extension to apply to Task resources (note that not-done status is not sufficient to say "don't do this")

            bryn.rhodes Bryn Rhodes
            bryn.rhodes Bryn Rhodes
            2 Start watching this issue
