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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-29983

Include an explanation for the use of extensions for AssistanceRequired and DevicePatientUsed.



    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
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    • US PACIO Cognitive Status (FHIR)
    • current
    • Patient Care
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      AssistanceRequired issue: The "Prior Level of Cognitive Function" is used for exchanging unstructured data and hence needs the AssistanceRequired extension to indicate in a standard way the level of assistance needed.

      Will update the description for the AssistanceRequired extension to provide better understanding of the use of the extension for the “Prior Level of Cognitive Function” profile.

      DevicePatientUsed issue: Will explain the intention to leverage the DeviceUseStatement resource of which the DevicePatientUsed extension is based to allow a BundledCognitiveStatus resource to show records of assistive device usage by a patient during an assessment.

      AssistanceRequired issue: The "Prior Level of Cognitive Function" is used for exchanging unstructured data and hence needs the AssistanceRequired extension to indicate in a standard way the level of assistance needed. Will update the description for the AssistanceRequired extension to provide better understanding of the use of the extension for the “Prior Level of Cognitive Function” profile. DevicePatientUsed issue: Will explain the intention to leverage the DeviceUseStatement resource of which the DevicePatientUsed extension is based to allow a BundledCognitiveStatus resource to show records of assistive device usage by a patient during an assessment.
    • Caleb Wan / Dave Hill: 11 - 0 - 1
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive


      Please include an explanation and justification on the use of extensions for AssistanceRequired and DevicePatientUsed. Why couldn't they be represented using the core resources (e.g. Device) or profiles on them (e.g. a Profile on observation)?




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            dvreeman Daniel Vreeman
            1 Start watching this issue

