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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-29555

clarify and correct the CommunicationRequest plus Task workflow


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Not Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci HRex (FHIR)
    • current
    • Clinical Interoperability Council
    • HRex Task Data Request Profile
    • Approaches to Exchanging FHIR Data
    • Hide

      Task.focus is actually mandatory in this workflow.  However, we'll add a paragraph in both this workflow and the "Task only" workflow that explains how they differ and how 'request' resources can fit into both - using 'focus' for the first and 'basedOn' for the second.

      Task.focus is actually mandatory in this workflow.  However, we'll add a paragraph in both this workflow and the "Task only" workflow that explains how they differ and how 'request' resources can fit into both - using 'focus' for the first and 'basedOn' for the second.
    • Bob Dieterle / Richard Esmond : 9-0-1
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive

      Clarify this section:

      change 2. in figure from :**

      2. POST Task [t1] with focus [cr1]


      2.POST Task [t1] with basedOn [cr1]


      change 3b.. in figure from :

      3b. Return [cr1] (instructing on what data to retrieve)

      3b. Return [cr1] (review the formal 'order')


      change text in Step 2:

      **from: "...The CommunicationRequest is the 'focus' of the Task

      to: "The Task is the 'basedOn' the the CommunicationRequest"


      change text in Step 3:

      from*: "Step 3: The data source reads the CommunicationRequest (that was referenced by the Task) from the data consumer to determine what data is needed."*

      to: "Step 3: The data source reads the CommunicationRequest (that was referenced by the Task.basedOn) from the data consumer to inspect the authorization"



      Add a step in diagram and text to indicate that the Data Source inspect Task.input for that data that is needed by the Data Consumer. (here and in http://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/davinci-ehrx/exchanging-request.html#requesting-exchange-using-task as well)



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