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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-27392

Where does this classification come from?



    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • US FHIR Guidance - Quality Reporting (FHIR)
    • 0.1 [deprecated]
    • Clinical Quality Information
    • Home
    • Summary
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      Propose updating text to the following:


      "FHIR represents the evolving and future method for data interchange for clinical use. Thus, it represents a good approach for sharing the same data (i.e., re-use) for public health reporting, for healthcare analytics used to measure improvements in structure, process and outcomes. The rationale is that FHIR fulfills the following eleven desirable qualities of an interchange framework for information modeling. Each of these qualities is discussed in its own section below:"

      Propose updating text to the following:   "FHIR represents the evolving and future method for data interchange for clinical use. Thus, it represents a good approach for sharing the same data (i.e., re-use) for public health reporting, for healthcare analytics used to measure improvements in structure, process and outcomes.  The rationale is that FHIR fulfills the following eleven desirable qualities of an interchange framework for information modeling.  Each of these qualities is discussed in its own section below:"
    • Rob Samples/Floyd Eisenberg: 19-0-1
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive


      The left colum of the table seems to contain some keywords of some classification: Expressivity, Agility and etc They are presented as if they would be commonly recognized desired properties of frameworks or specifications which are also wel defined. Could you please clarify in the text where these aspect names come from and why they are important? This could be done by means of referencing some literature which would then also contain the definitions of these aspects. For instance you mention "Liquidity", but what is it and where does it come from and why is it important to have?




            Unassigned Unassigned
            ivan_zapreev Ivan Zapreev (Inactive)
            4 Start watching this issue

