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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-27010

Replace CARIN Blue Button Diagnosis Type Value Set with Payer Diagnosis Type Institutional Value Set


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • US CARIN Blue Button (FHIR)
    • 0.1 [deprecated]
    • Financial Mgmt
    • (NA)
    • Terminology
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      Delete Value Set CARIN Blue Button Diagnosis Type 

      Replace with the following Value Sets (and the one defined in FHIR-27011):


      Defining URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/ValueSet/C4BBClaimInpatientInstitutionalDiagnosisType
      Name: C4BBClaimInpatientInstitutionalDiagnosisType
      Title: C4BB Claim Inpatient Institutional Diagnosis Type
      Definition: Indicates if the inpatient institutional diagnosis is admitting, principal, other or an external cause of injury
      Copyright: This Value Set is not copyrighted. 
      Logical Definition: This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
      ·       Include the codes admitting and principal defined in http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/ex-diagnosistype
      ·       Include the codes other and external cause of injury defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/CodeSystem/C4BBClaimDiagnosisType
      Expansion: This value set contains 4 concepts
      Code Display Definition
      admitting Admitting Diagnosis The diagnosis given as the reason why the patient was admitted to the hospital.
      principal Principal Diagnosis The single medical diagnosis that is most relevant to the patient's chief complaint or need for treatment.
      other Other Required when other conditions coexist or develop subsequently during the treatment
      externalcauseofinjury External cause of injury Required when an external cause of injury is needed to describe the injury


      Bind with binding strength Required to the data element diagnosis.type in the Inpatient Institutional profile


      Define Value Set:


      Defining URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/ValueSet/C4BBClaimOutpatientInstitutionalDiagnosisType
      Name: C4BBClaimOutpatientInstitutionalDiagnosisType
      Title: C4BB Claim Outpatient Institutional Diagnosis Type
      Definition: Indicates if the outpatient institutional diagnosis is principal, other, an external cause of injury or a patient reason for visit.
      Copyright: This Value Set is not copyrighted. 
      Logical Definition: This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
      ·       Include the code principal defined in http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/ex-diagnosistype
      ·       Include the codes other, external cause of injury and patient reason for visit defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/CodeSystem/C4BBClaimDiagnosisType
      Expansion: This value set contains 5 concepts
      Code Display Definition
      principal Principal Diagnosis The single medical diagnosis that is most relevant to the patient's chief complaint or need for treatment.
      other Other Required when other conditions coexist or develop subsequently during the treatment
      externalcauseofinjury External Cause of Injury Required when an external cause of injury is needed to describe the injury
      patientreasonforvisit Patient Reason for Visit Identifies the patient's reason for the outpatient institutional visit


      Bind with binding strength Required to the data element diagnosis.type in the Outpatient Institutional profile


      Define Code System: 


      Defining URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/CodeSystem/C4BBClaimDiagnosisType
      Name: C4BBBClaimDiagnosisType
      Title: C4BBB Claim Diagnosis Type
      Definition: Indicates if the institutional diagnosis is admitting, principal, secondary, other, an external cause of injury or a patient reason for visit.  Complements http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/ex-diagnosistype.
      Copyright: This Code System is not copyrighted.  
      Code Display Definition
      other Other Required when other conditions coexist or develop subsequently during the treatment
      externalcauseofinjury External Cause of Injury Required when an external cause of injury is needed to describe the injury
      patientreasonforvisit Patient Reason for Visit Identifies the patient's reason for the outpatient institutional visit
      secondary Secondary Required when necessary to report additional diagnoses on professional and non-clinician claims
      Delete Value Set CARIN Blue Button Diagnosis Type  Replace with the following Value Sets (and the one defined in FHIR-27011 ):   Defining URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/ValueSet/C4BBClaimInpatientInstitutionalDiagnosisType Name: C4BBClaimInpatientInstitutionalDiagnosisType Title: C4BB Claim Inpatient Institutional Diagnosis Type Definition: Indicates if the inpatient institutional diagnosis is admitting, principal, other or an external cause of injury Copyright: This Value Set is not copyrighted.  Logical Definition: This value set includes codes from the following code systems: ·       Include the codes admitting and principal defined in http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/ex-diagnosistype ·       Include the codes other and external cause of injury defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/CodeSystem/C4BBClaimDiagnosisType Expansion: This value set contains 4 concepts Code Display Definition admitting Admitting Diagnosis The diagnosis given as the reason why the patient was admitted to the hospital. principal Principal Diagnosis The single medical diagnosis that is most relevant to the patient's chief complaint or need for treatment. other Other Required when other conditions coexist or develop subsequently during the treatment externalcauseofinjury External cause of injury Required when an external cause of injury is needed to describe the injury   Bind with binding strength Required to the data element diagnosis.type in the Inpatient Institutional profile   Define Value Set:   Defining URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/ValueSet/C4BBClaimOutpatientInstitutionalDiagnosisType Name: C4BBClaimOutpatientInstitutionalDiagnosisType Title: C4BB Claim Outpatient Institutional Diagnosis Type Definition: Indicates if the outpatient institutional diagnosis is principal, other, an external cause of injury or a patient reason for visit. Copyright: This Value Set is not copyrighted.  Logical Definition: This value set includes codes from the following code systems: ·       Include the code principal defined in http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/ex-diagnosistype ·       Include the codes other, external cause of injury and patient reason for visit defined in http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/CodeSystem/C4BBClaimDiagnosisType Expansion: This value set contains 5 concepts Code Display Definition principal Principal Diagnosis The single medical diagnosis that is most relevant to the patient's chief complaint or need for treatment. other Other Required when other conditions coexist or develop subsequently during the treatment externalcauseofinjury External Cause of Injury Required when an external cause of injury is needed to describe the injury patientreasonforvisit Patient Reason for Visit Identifies the patient's reason for the outpatient institutional visit   Bind with binding strength Required to the data element diagnosis.type in the Outpatient Institutional profile   Define Code System:    Defining URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/CodeSystem/C4BBClaimDiagnosisType Name: C4BBBClaimDiagnosisType Title: C4BBB Claim Diagnosis Type Definition: Indicates if the institutional diagnosis is admitting, principal, secondary, other, an external cause of injury or a patient reason for visit.  Complements http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/ex-diagnosistype . Copyright: This Code System is not copyrighted.   Content: Code Display Definition other Other Required when other conditions coexist or develop subsequently during the treatment externalcauseofinjury External Cause of Injury Required when an external cause of injury is needed to describe the injury patientreasonforvisit Patient Reason for Visit Identifies the patient's reason for the outpatient institutional visit secondary Secondary Required when necessary to report additional diagnoses on professional and non-clinician claims
    • Pat Taylor/Mark Roberts: 24-0-2
    • Correction
    • Compatible, substantive

      Ballot feedback was that the Terminology Section of the IG requires a major overall, renaming the Value Sets and Code Systems and updating links.  Following is a recommended resolution for the diagnosis type:

      1)  Delete Value Set CARIN Blue Button Diagnosis Type Value Set

       2)  Define Value Set PayerDiagnosisTypeInpatientInsitutional

        – Title:  Payer Diagnosis Type - Inpatient Institutional  

        – Description:  Indicates if the inpatient institutional diagnosis is admitting, principal, secondary or an external cause of injury

        – Value Set: http://hl7.org/fhir/us/ValueSet/payer-inpatientinstitutionaldiagnosistype  where values include the following codes from the Code System:  admitting | principal | secondary | external cause of injury 

      3)  Define Value Set PayerDiagnosisTypeOutpatientInsitutional

        –  Title:  Payer Diagnosis Type - Outpatient Institutional

        – Description:  Indicates if the outpatient institutional diagnosis is admitting, principal, secondary, an external cause of injury, or a patient reason for visit

        – Value Set: http://hl7.org/fhir/us/ValueSet/payer-outpatientfacilitydiagnosistype  where values include the following codes from the Code System:  admitting | principal | secondary | external cause of injury | patient reason for visit 

      4)  Define a Code System:

      http://hl7.org/fhir/us/CodeSystem/payer-diagnosis-type where values are: admitting | principal | secondary | external-cause-of-injury | patient-reason-for-visit 

      8) The Code System is also used to source the following Value Sets: Payer Diagnosis Type – Professional and Non-Clinician and Payer Present on Admission Type

      9)  Bind the ValueSet with binding strength required to the data element diagnosis  in the Inpatient Institutional and Outpatient Institutional Profiles

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            Patricia Taylor
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