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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-26182

Question: Out Of Scope: What is a trigger


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • US Da Vinci Alerts (FHIR)
    • 0.2.0 [deprecated]
    • Infrastructure & Messaging
    • Home (index)
    • 1.1.2
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      current text:
      "What constitutes a trigger (nature of the event as defined in your organization)
      Including alerts without an event"

      Will clarify what we mean by" trigger" (aka the who what when and where - see FHIR_NNNN - todo find tracker) and that the the business rules and workflow that surround a trigger are implementation specific and are out of scope, i.e how your organization figures out that a specific event is a trigger.

      We will update in the use case section to state the expectation that the trigger might be the same trigger as is ADT A01 event trigger

      current text: "What constitutes a trigger (nature of the event as defined in your organization) Including alerts without an event" Will clarify what we mean by" trigger" (aka the who what when and where - see FHIR_NNNN - todo find tracker) and that the the business rules and workflow that surround a trigger are implementation specific and are out of scope, i.e how your organization figures out that a specific event is a trigger. We will update in the use case section to state the expectation that the trigger might be the same trigger as is ADT A01 event trigger
    • Ulrike Merrick/Nick Radov: 3-0-1
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive

      I worry that leaving this out of scope will result in implementation inconsistencies and unexpected behaviors.

      Existing Wording:

      Out Of Scope: What constitutes a trigger…

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            ginocanessa Gino Canessa
            2 Start watching this issue
