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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-26165

Update Note to Balloters text to guidance


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
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    • US Da Vinci Alerts (FHIR)
    • 0.2.0 [deprecated]
    • Infrastructure & Messaging
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      update section and KEEP "Reliable Delivery" as header

      also add a reference to the section on reliable delivery in the FHIR specification Messaging page:

      pointing to that to provide further existing guidance.

      update section and KEEP "Reliable Delivery" as header also add a reference to the section on reliable delivery in the FHIR specification Messaging page: http://hl7.org/fhir/messaging.html#reliable pointing to that to provide further existing guidance.
    • Riki Merrick / Sandy Stuart: 3-0-1
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive

      Update Note to Balloters text to guidance and change heading from "Reliable Delivery" to "Server Response Codes"

      Existing Wording:

      Reliable Delivery
      Upon receiving a message, the Receiver/Intermediary may return one of several status codes which is documented in $process-message definition.
      At the Dec 11-12 Da Vinci Connectathon we polled the participants and determined that the following codes and guidance could be added:

      200,202,204+/- OperationOutcome all ok for successful transactions
      Issue : what does widely use Java client want?
      401,404+/- OperationOutcome no point in retry
      429 +/- OperationOutcome retry but slow down traffic
      500+ +/- OperationOutcome - server issues may retry a few times

      Proposed Wording:

      Server Response Codes

      Upon receiving a message, the Receiver/Intermediary may return one of several status codes which is documented in $process-message definition.For this implementation, for successful ~$process-message transactions any one of`200`,`202`,`204` (+/- OperationOutcome) *MAY* be used. The following table defines the Sender behavior for the following error codes:

      error code Sender behavior
      `401`,`404`(+/- OperationOutcome) do not attempt to resend request without addressing the error
      `429` (+/- OperationOutcome) resend request, but slow down traffic
      `500+` (+/- OperationOutcome) may retry sending request a few times

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            ehaas Eric Haas
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