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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-22812

Move EnrollmenrRequest/Response resources out of the draft state


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Not Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • FHIR Core (FHIR)
    • STU3
    • Financial Mgmt
    • EnrollmentRequest
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      There are no concrete changes in the request therefore the committee finds this non-persuasive.

      However, the committee is interested in advancing the EnrollmentRequest and Response to meet use cases such as the one described and therefore would be open to working with the proponent to advance the resources.

      There are no concrete changes in the request therefore the committee finds this non-persuasive. However, the committee is interested in advancing the EnrollmentRequest and Response to meet use cases such as the one described and therefore would be open to working with the proponent to advance the resources.
    • Mary Kay McDaniel/Celine Lefebvre: 8-0-0

      We'd like to use the enrollmentrequest and response resources in our current implementation of R4. I see this is a stub and in the draft state. As an implementer what can we do to make this resource more generic, say for example, enrollment in a patient portal instead of restricting it to insurance only. It seemed to have been more generic in DSTU2. https://www.hl7.org/fhir/dstu2/enrollmentrequest.html 1

      Here's our use case:
      We're an oncology information system working with a number of patient portals. The patient, who is already registered in our HIS, is invited to join the portal- we send an enrollment request to the portal with all pertinent demographics including email of the patient. Portal invites the patient through the email provided. Patient enrolls in the portal through the portal invite email. We then asynchronously query the portal for all enrollment updates using a timestamp. This is the invite/register usecase. Once registered in the portal, other clinical info is exchanged using standard FHIR resources.
      The enrollmentrequest/ response resources seem to fit very nicely into this workflow-
      thanks to @Lloyd McKenzie for pointing me to these resources!



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            priyamathew Priya Mathew
            Koray Atalag (Inactive)
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