
    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • FHIR Core (FHIR)
    • DSTU2
    • Community-Based Care and Privacy
    • Consent
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      – map Consent.scope and Consent.category to CON-2 (Consent Type - CWE using table HL70496) and include table 0496 to the category valueset. Add note that scope can be derived from category if going from V2 to FHIR.

      – map Consent.policy and Consent.policyRule to CON-3 with comment stating an implementation-specific requirement will be needed

      Consent.identifier maps to CON-4 (Consent Form Number - EI) with comment stating an implementation-specific requirement will be needed

      Consent.status maps to CON-11 (Consent Status - CNE using table HL70498)

      Consent.dateTime maps to CON-13 (Consent Decision Date/Time - DTM)

      Consent.provision.period maps to CON-14&15 (Consent Effective Date Time, Consent End DateTime)

      Consent.performer informs both CON-24 (Consenter ID) and CON-25 (Relationship to Subject) with note stating the latter depending on the type of resource being referenced (a reference to a Patient equates to a relationship of 1 (self), a RelatedPerson equates to 2 or 3 depending on RelatedPerson.relationship, etc)

      Add note that the Consent resource uses Consent.sourceAttachment or Consent.sourceReference to handle contents of CON-5,6,7,8,16,19, 20-23

      – map Consent.scope and Consent.category to CON-2 (Consent Type - CWE using table HL70496) and include table 0496 to the category valueset. Add note that scope can be derived from category if going from V2 to FHIR. – map Consent.policy and Consent.policyRule to CON-3 with comment stating an implementation-specific requirement will be needed Consent.identifier maps to CON-4 (Consent Form Number - EI) with comment stating an implementation-specific requirement will be needed Consent.status maps to CON-11 (Consent Status - CNE using table HL70498) Consent.dateTime maps to CON-13 (Consent Decision Date/Time - DTM) Consent.provision.period maps to CON-14&15 (Consent Effective Date Time, Consent End DateTime) Consent.performer informs both CON-24 (Consenter ID) and CON-25 (Relationship to Subject) with note stating the latter depending on the type of resource being referenced (a reference to a Patient equates to a relationship of 1 (self), a RelatedPerson equates to 2 or 3 depending on RelatedPerson.relationship, etc) Add note that the Consent resource uses Consent.sourceAttachment or Consent.sourceReference to handle contents of CON-5,6,7,8,16,19, 20-23
    • Craig Newman/Kathleen Connor: 3-0-0
    • Enhancement
    • Non-substantive
    • R5

      I was trying to establish how much of the stuff we (intend to) use from the V2 CON segment is represented by the Consent but found that the V2 mappings are lacking making this a harder task. It would really be helpful to see these mappings added.

      Note that everywhere it says Yes for "Used in NL", either I missed how to convey it, or it is not there and a new tracker item is in order to request addition. That's why I'd appreciate "In-Person" when you discuss this ticket so I can act accordingly.

      The list from CON

      1. V2 Name Used in NL Consent path candidate

      1. Set ID - CON Yes n/a

      2. Consent Type Yes Consent.category

      3. Consent Form ID Yes Consent.source

      4. Consent Form Number Yes Consent.source

      5. Consent Text Yes Consent.source

      6. Subject-specific Consent Text. No Consent.source

      7. Consent Background No ?

      8. Subject-specific Consent Background No ?

      9 Consenter-imposed limitations Yes Consent.except?

      10 Consent Mode Yes ?

      11. Consent Status Yes Consent.status

      12. Consent Discussion Date/Time Yes Consent.dateTime?

      13. Consent Decision Date/Time Yes Consent.dateTime?

      14 Consent Effective Date/Time Yes Consent.period

      15. Consent End Date/Time Yes Consent.period

      16. Subject Competence Indicator Yes ?

      17. Translator Assistance Indicator Yes ?

      18. Language Translated To Yes Consent.source?

      19. Informational Material Supplied Indicator Yes ?

      20. Consent Bypass Reason Yes ? Provenance (different resource)

      21. Consent Disclosure Level No ?

      22. Consent Non-disclosure Reason No ?

      23. Non-subject Consenter Reason Yes ?

      24. Consenter ID Yes Consent.consenter

      25. Relationship to Subject Table Yes ?

      26. Consent Requester ID Yes ?
      (Dutch addition) - Person (or even persons or portal) who requested the consent.
      Might be relevant for Consent Status "U", to be able to say "You have been talking
      to Consent Requester X, are you ready for consenting/dissenting now?".

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            ahenket Alexander Henket
            Alexander Henket
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