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  1. CDA Specification Feedback
  2. CDA-1965

STU-1965 - CDA Content Creators



    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • C-CDA R2.1 Companion Guide (CDA)
    • [deprecated]
    • Structured Documents
    • Templates
    • CONF-037
    • Hide
      20200604 Discussion After considerable disucssion, we identified that @extension (OIDs) are used to manage the various types of identifiers that an organization may manage. OIDs need to accomodate both the assigning authority of the the identifier, but they also accomodate the type of identifier. Providers manage multiple types of identifiers (MRN's, Account numbers, Person identifiers, etc.) Essentially, we need to remove [CONF-037] Motion to remove [CONF-037] Lisa Nelson/CalvinB, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions, 25 in favor

      20200604 Discussion After considerable disucssion, we identified that @extension (OIDs) are used to manage the various types of identifiers that an organization may manage. OIDs need to accomodate both the assigning authority of the the identifier, but they also accomodate the type of identifier. Providers manage multiple types of identifiers (MRN's, Account numbers, Person identifiers, etc.) Essentially, we need to remove [CONF-037] Motion to remove [CONF-037] Lisa Nelson/CalvinB, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions, 25 in favor
    • Lisa Nelson/Calvin Beebe: 25-0-0
    • Correction
    • Compatible, substantive


      Specification - Extended

      HL7 CDA® R2 Implementation Guide: C-CDA Templates for Clinical Notes Companion Guide, Release 2 STU - US Realm

      Document Description

      extended per TSC vote https://confluence.hl7.org/x/Ujb9Aw

      Existing Wording

      C-CDA Content Creators SHOULD include an identifier for the provider organization in the id/@extension attribute and SHOULD identify the assigning authority for the identifier using a globally unique identifier (GUID or OID) in the id/@root attribute. [CONF-036] C-CDA Content Creators SHOULD include in the patientRole a corresponding id/@root attribute using the same globally unique identifier. The id/@extension attribute SHOULD include the medical record number (MRN) assigned for the patient within the provider’s organization. [CONF-037]

      Proposed Wording

      C-CDA Content Creators SHOULD include an identifier for the provider organization in the id/@extension attribute and SHOULD identify the assigning authority for the identifier using a globally unique identifier (GUID or OID) in the id/@root attribute. [CONF-036] C-CDA Content Creators MAY include in the patientRole a corresponding id/@root attribute using the same globally unique identifier. The id/@extension attribute SHOULD include the medical record number (MRN) assigned for the patient within the provider’s organization. [CONF-037] It seems too strong to say that a patientRole/id/@root SHOULD match the providerOrganization/id/@root given how often an id/@root is an OID representing "what type of id is this?" (For example, if an id has a @root="2.16.840.1.113883.4.1" then it corresponds to the question "what's the patient's Social Security Number?" and the @extension is the answer.) Given that, I'd expect that in a lot of cases, the providerOrganization/id/@root will be an OID representing "which organization is this?" If that's the case, then it would make no sense for the patientRole/id/@root to be the same, since an organization's ID and a patient's MRN are apples and oranges.




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            mszczepa Matt Szczepankiewicz
            1 Start watching this issue

