Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Status Resolution Summary Reporter Created Updated P Assignee Development
Ballot Vote BALLOT-27362 Balloted Persuasive

BALLOT-23469 Negative - Celine Lefebvre : 2022-Jan-FHIR IG DIGINSCD R1 STU

Celine Lefebvre
Ballot Vote BALLOT-27361 Balloted Persuasive with Modification

BALLOT-23469 Negative - Celine Lefebvre : 2022-Jan-FHIR IG DIGINSCD R1 STU

Celine Lefebvre
Ballot Vote BALLOT-27360 Balloted Persuasive with Modification

BALLOT-23469 Negative - Celine Lefebvre : 2022-Jan-FHIR IG DIGINSCD R1 STU

Celine Lefebvre
Ballot Vote BALLOT-27359 Balloted Not Persuasive

BALLOT-23469 Negative - Celine Lefebvre : 2022-Jan-FHIR IG DIGINSCD R1 STU

Celine Lefebvre
Ballot Vote BALLOT-27358 Balloted Persuasive with Modification

BALLOT-23469 Negative - Celine Lefebvre : 2022-Jan-FHIR IG DIGINSCD R1 STU

Celine Lefebvre
