Change Request
Resolution: Not Persuasive
US Birth and Fetal Death Reporting (FHIR)
1.1.0 [deprecated]
Public Health
Patricia Tran / Diana Wright : 29-0-0
Code system and value set URLs should be anchored in terminology.hl7.org (THO) per the TSC approved policy for Terminology Guidance for IG Authors (https://confluence.hl7.org/display/TSMG/Terminology+Expectations+for+IG+Developers).
Please start the UTG process to add this code system to THO\.
(Comment 16 - imported by: Ron G. Parker)
- is voted on by
BALLOT-58600 Affirmative - Ron G. Parker : 2024-Jan-FHIR IG BFDR E1 STU
- Balloted
BALLOT-59357 Affirmative - Shannon O'Connor : 2024-Jan-FHIR IG BFDR E1 STU
- Balloted
BALLOT-59385 Affirmative - Elliot Silver : 2024-Jan-FHIR IG BFDR E1 STU
- Balloted