

    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
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    • SMART on FHIR (FHIR)
    • 2.0.0
    • FHIR Infrastructure
    • App Launch: Scopes and Launch Context
    • 2.6
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      To https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/smart-app-launch/scopes-and-launch-context.html#extensions add:


      // Extra context example: "fhirContext" for FHIR Resource References

      EHR Launch. Suppose a SMART on FHIR server supports additional launch context during an EHR Launch, perhaps communicating the ID of an ImagingStudy that is open in the EHR at the time of app launch. The server could return an access token response where the "fhirContext" array includes a value such as "ImagingStudy/123". 

      Standalone Launch.  Suppose a SMART on FHIR server supports additional launch context during a Standalone Launch, perhaps providing an ability for the user to select an ImagingStudy during the launch. A client could request this behavior by requesting a "launch/imagingstudy" scope (note that launch requests scopes are always lower case); then after allowing the user to select an ImagingStudy, the server could return an access token response where the "fhirContext" array includes a value such as "ImagingStudy/123". 


      // Extra context example: extensions for non-FHIR context

      Suppose a SMART on FHIR server wishes to communicate additional context, such as a custom "dark mode" flag, providing clients a hint about whether they should render a UI suitable for use in low-light environments. The EHR could accomplish this by returning an access token response where an extension property is present. The EHR could choose an extension property as a full URL (e.g., {..., "https://ehr.example.org/props/dark-mode": true}) or using a "___" prefix (e.g., 

      {..., "___darkMode": true}



      // Extra scopes example: extensions for non-FHIR APIs

      Suppose a SMART on FHIR server supports a custom behavior like allowing users to their own profile photos through a custom non-FHIR API. The server can designate a custom scope using a full URL (e.g., `https://ehr.example.org/scopes/profilePhoto.manage`) or using a "__" prefix (e.g., `__profilePhoto.manage`) and associate this scope with the custom behavior. The server could advertise this scope in its developer-facing documentation, and also in the "scopes_supported" array of its .well-known/smart-configuration file. Clients requesting authorization could include this scope alongside other standardized scopes, so the "scope" parameter of the authorization request might look like: `launch/patient patient/*.rs __profilePhoto.manage`. If the user grants these scopes, the access token response would then include a "scope" value that matches the original request. 

      To https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/smart-app-launch/scopes-and-launch-context.html#extensions  add: —   // Extra context example: "fhirContext" for FHIR Resource References EHR Launch.  Suppose a SMART on FHIR server supports additional launch context during an EHR Launch, perhaps communicating the ID of an ImagingStudy that is open in the EHR at the time of app launch. The server could return an access token response where the "fhirContext" array includes a value such as "ImagingStudy/123".  Standalone Launch.   Suppose a SMART on FHIR server supports additional launch context during a Standalone Launch, perhaps providing an ability for the user to select an ImagingStudy during the launch. A client could request this behavior by requesting a "launch/imagingstudy" scope (note that launch requests scopes are always lower case); then after allowing the user to select an ImagingStudy, the server could return an access token response where the "fhirContext" array includes a value such as "ImagingStudy/123".    // Extra context example: extensions for non-FHIR context Suppose a SMART on FHIR server wishes to communicate additional context, such as a custom "dark mode" flag, providing clients a hint about whether they should render a UI suitable for use in low-light environments. The EHR could accomplish this by returning an access token response where an extension property is present. The EHR could choose an extension property as a full URL (e.g., {..., "https://ehr.example.org/props/dark-mode": true}) or using a "___" prefix (e.g.,  {..., "___darkMode": true} ).   // Extra scopes example: extensions for non-FHIR APIs Suppose a SMART on FHIR server supports a custom behavior like allowing users to their own profile photos through a custom non-FHIR API. The server can designate a custom scope using a full URL (e.g., ` https://ehr.example.org/scopes/profilePhoto.manage `) or using a "__ " prefix (e.g., ` __profilePhoto.manage`) and associate this scope with the custom behavior. The server could advertise this scope in its developer-facing documentation, and also in the "scopes_supported" array of its .well-known/smart-configuration file. Clients requesting authorization could include this scope alongside other standardized scopes, so the "scope" parameter of the authorization request might look like: `launch/patient patient/*.rs __profilePhoto.manage`. If the user grants these scopes, the access token response would then include a "scope" value that matches the original request. 
    • Eric Haas / Carl Anderson: 8-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive


      Please add an example illustrating how extensions work.




            carl-anderson-msft Carl Anderson (Inactive)
            bvdh Bas van den Heuvel
            2 Start watching this issue

