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  1. CDA Specification Feedback
  2. CDA-1992

STU-1992 - Template not defined


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • Public Health Case Report - Electronic Initial Case Report (eICR) (CDA)
    • 1.2.0 [deprecated]
    • Public Health
    • Templates
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      Persuasive with Modification made 2020-09-23 00:00:00.0 with vote Sarah Gaunt/Craig Newman: 20-0-0//(Impact: Compatible, substantive; Category: Enhancement; Version: null)//This is partially a tooling issue because there is no way to completely remove the Reconciliation on 9/23/2020 Motion/Second: Sarah/Craig Vote: 20/0/0 This is partially a tooling issue because there is no way to completely remove the templates from the IG (though you probably really don't want to completely remove them, tbh) None of those templates are used specifically used in eCR. They still appear in the templates in which they are contained but they are not defined in the IG. I used to just leave them in the IGs but got lots of push back in ballot comments that it made the IGs too long and was confusing. So now we remove the ones that are not specifically part of the use case. Of course they are not precluded from use, just not specifically called out. Will add guidance explaining the above to reduce confusion. Will add guidance around what is expected to be implemened.

      Persuasive with Modification made 2020-09-23 00:00:00.0 with vote Sarah Gaunt/Craig Newman: 20-0-0//(Impact: Compatible, substantive; Category: Enhancement; Version: null)//This is partially a tooling issue because there is no way to completely remove the Reconciliation on 9/23/2020 Motion/Second: Sarah/Craig Vote: 20/0/0 This is partially a tooling issue because there is no way to completely remove the templates from the IG (though you probably really don't want to completely remove them, tbh) None of those templates are used specifically used in eCR. They still appear in the templates in which they are contained but they are not defined in the IG. I used to just leave them in the IGs but got lots of push back in ballot comments that it made the IGs too long and was confusing. So now we remove the ones that are not specifically part of the use case. Of course they are not precluded from use, just not specifically called out. Will add guidance explaining the above to reduce confusion. Will add guidance around what is expected to be implemened.
    • Sarah Gaunt / Craig Newman : 20-0-0
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive

      Specification - Extended

      HL7 CDA® R2 Implementation Guide: Public Health Case Report, Release 2: the Electronic Initial Case Report (eICR), Release 1, STU Release 2 - US Realm

      Document Description

      extended per TSC https://confluence.hl7.org/x/GF79Aw

      Existing Wording

      The following template in the IG is not defined. Please provide the template definition. Usual Occupation Duration Observation (identifier: urn:hl7ii:2.16.840.1.113883.1 10. SHOULD contain zero or one [0..1] entryRelationship (CONF:3349-36) such that it a. SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] @typeCode="REFR" (CodeSystem: HL7ActRelationshipType urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.5.1002 STATIC) (CONF:3349-103). b. SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] Usual Occupation Duration Observation (identifier: urn:hl7ii:2.16.840.1.113883. (CONF:3349-100).

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            emmanurse Emma Jones
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